Carbon 14 everywhere it's not supposed to be
Carbon 14 doesn't lie: Yet 14C is everywhere it shouldn't be. Unless from a secondary source, like contamination or neutron capture (described below), anything millions of years old should have NO Carbon-14. However, scientists are consistently finding C-14, as reported in 2011 in the journal PLoS One for an allegedly 80-million year old mosasaur, and as reported elsewhere in natural gas, limestone, fossil wood, coal, oil, graphite, marble, the ten dinosaurs (described above), and even in supposedly billion-year-old diamonds.

A secondary assumption by old-earth scientists proposes that the C-14 in diamonds (coal, etc.) must have come from N-14 (or C-13, etc.) and neutron capture. Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss (emphasis on the theoretical) told RSF that 14C in allegedly million-year-old specimens is an "anomaly." However, an anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. Because modern carbon exists in significant quantities, far above the reliability threshold of the AMS labs doing the tests, these results can no longer be called anomalies! It is now expected that organic specimens supposedly millions of years old will yield maximum C-14 ages of only thousands of years!
Is all that 14C from contamination? Diamonds, because they are the hardest naturally occurring substance on Earth, are therefore resistant to contamination. This makes their radiocarbon content all the more compelling, and especially when they are mined from a quarter-of-a-mile below the surface, insulated from our 14C-bearing atmosphere. Contamination is not only far more unlikely within deep-mined and unbroken diamonds, but because of the unique physical composition of diamonds, various kinds of contamination could be more readily detectable. This is one of the three problems with the contamination explanation for C-14 everywhere, as presented at
Is all that 14C from neutron capture? Presented at the 2012 American Geophysical Union conference in Singapore, there was less than 20 parts per million of uranium and thorium in the dinosaur bones that contained large quantities of modern carbon, so much that it registered mid-range in the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) capabilities. This is one of the six problems with the capture explanation for C-14 everywhere, as presented at