The pinwheel arms of spiral galaxies should deform after a million years
After their alleged billions of years the spiral arms of “pinwheel” galaxies should now be deformed, since as has been known for decades, the speed of the arms does not align with the galaxy centers. Therefore there is “missing billions of years” of deformation in spiral galaxies. Atheistic astronomers have great difficulty even explaining where our own Moon came from, let alone our entire solar system and the entire universe. And just like Darwin's origin of species begins with species, the standard models of star formation typically begin either with the star already forming or with pre-existing stars exploding. Astrophysicists even admit that they cannot figure out which formed first, stars or galaxies, showing that their Big Bang hypothesis does not merit the public's confidence.

John Maddox, the editor of the journal Nature for 23 years, on page 48 of his book, What Remains to be Discovered, wrote: “Which objects came first, stars or galaxies? Theoretical science offers no clear guidance…” So, far from being able to explain how the universe could form apart from God, atheists are actually just groping in the dark. (See
As rescue devices, in defense of their theory, Big Bang proponents propose enormous secondary assumptions not at all predicted by the core Big Bang theory itself, including the existence of so-called dark matter. However, hundreds of relevantly degreed scientists, many at prestigious institutions, have stated, "The big bang today relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed-- inflation, dark matter and dark energy [etc.] the big bang theory can't survive without these fudge factors."
Here's the Point: Big Bang believers search for "dark matter" hoping to show that spiral galaxies don't really disprove their theory. But that dark matter would not explain the millions of years of missing heavy metal in a trillion stars, nor the missing shadow of the Big Bang, nor the missing millions of years of collisions in galaxy clusters. For each huge conflict with actual observational data, proponents need to create additional, strained rescue devices. When an entire series of such fundamental scientific predictions are falsified in spectacular and even galactic ways, the unbiased student will question the assumptions that went into those predictions.
For more about the wonderful developments from astronomy see Real Science Radio /big-bang for our debate with theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical) Lawrence Krauss.