School of jellyfish fossilized in 7 "million-year" layers
A Polystrate Fossilized Jellyfish School: Seven sedimentary layers in central Wisconsin had been previously described by old-earth geologists as taking a million years to form. Now, some soft-bodied jellyfish are making that claim hard to maintain. Jellyfish have no skeleton. So, as evolutionists virtually since Darwin have pointed out, it is indeed rare to find fossilized jellyfish. But now as reported in the journal Geology by lead author James Hagadorn (who works across town from the Real Science Radio studio at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science), a school of jellyfish have been found fossilized throughout those same seven layers in central Wisconsin.
Dr. Hagadorn would disagree. Yet, as a forensic scientist can place a suspect at a crime scene, the jellyfish demonstrate that these layers were not deposited over a million years, but during a single event, and quickly enough to trap a school of jellyfish. This fossil school, therefore, taken as a unit, forms a polystrate fossil. The fossil is the empirical "fact" whereas the alleged slow burial is the opinion. While there exists a preconceived dogmatic belief that such strata must have deposited slowly, a polystrate school of jellyfish (of all things!) should falsify the belief in a million-year-long deposition. This rock hard evidence does something that is not politically correct. For in mixed company (i.e., geologists and the public), it is not proper form to point out that an entire matrix challenges the commitment to the accepted old-age explanation, even for a single locale.

The journal Nature reports that paleontologist Ronald Pickerill of Canada's University of New Brunswick says that because these jellies are found in several different layers, "it happened at least six times." This has echoes of Yellowstone (and even of multiplying epicycles). Even though they rarely fossilize, there's another locale with jellyfish fossils in multiple layers, in the Brockman Iron Formation in northwestern Australia.
As an aside, jellyfish have also gotten into the act squeezing the evolution timeline, in one case by 200 million years when they were found in strata allegedly half-a-billion years old. Other jellyfish fossils, ironically referred to as Medusoid Problematica, are even found in pre-Cambrian strata! See also Real Science Radio's
Here's the Point: Examples everywhere, including these jellyfish, falsify the claims of super-slow strata deposition over millions of years. An added discrepancy is that polystrate fossils are not more eroded in the upper portion of the fossil which allegedly waited millennia or even a million years or more for burial. Thus the very doctrine that geologists since Charles Darwin have not been allowed to question, that of slow stratification, is undermined by the very existence of polystrate fossils.