Millions of years of missing Supernova Remnants including Stage 3s
An explosion appeared in the night sky in 1054 A.D. as a supernova remnant (SNR) and formed the Crab Nebula. Old-earth scientists have measured and calculated the expected rate that stars would explode. However, if the universe, and particularly the Milky Way Galaxy, is billions of years old, the vast majority of SNRs (like the Crab Nebula) that allegedly should exist, are missing. Instead, the number of supernova remnants corresponds well to the expected number if the universe is less than 10,000 years old! This is especially true considering that astronomers have not found a single SNR at Stage 3, which is the great diameter that they should eventually reach and still be observable. Of course, if the universe is young, it is not surprising that there are no Stage 3 SNRs.

For more info, check out this 2007 Real Science Radio program on missing SNRs, and for more generally from the wonderful discoveries of astronomers, see Real Science Radio /big-bang for our debate with theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical) Lawrence Krauss.